Friday, January 23, 2004

Drug dealer gives out drugs
Here's a Yahoo News story about Micro$oft giving out $1 billion worth of software to developing countries. In a recent move, the drug dealer hands out "good will" licenses to charity cases. Good will, of course, means obsolete software.
Threat to open source
Bruce Perens warns that the greatest threat to OS is software patent [ beebs report ]: "We're looking at a future where only the very largest companies will be able to implement software, and it will technically be illegal for other people to do so. "
How to do things with sleep
Aside from conserving energy, sleep actually does things... or so, says a cbs reportage on a recent Nature article.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

IM for parents and kids
Today, NYT features a story on how IM could be used to promote parent-child relationship. The same feature, however, warns about the limits of such form of communication. Face-to-face communication still rules!
Smaller is better
Indeed, if you're talking about champagne: the smaller its bubbles are, the better. Here's a bit more from a fellow blogger.